
Learn about diversity and inclusion through an introduction to creative access tools.

While accessibility is a fundamental human right, crucial for autonomy, dignity, independence, disability is rarely visible and oftentimes overlooked.

Have you ever wondered how people with access needs navigate their everyday life, enjoy a musical performance, or practice dancing? This is where access tools come in!

For people with access needs, enjoying and experiencing the arts is made possible through access tools and devices like audio descriptions (AD), closed-captioning (CC), visual story (printed), Haptic Access tours, Sign Language Interpretations. When in place and used thoughtfully, these tools create opportunities and remove barriers for participation in the arts.

Through a mix of presentations and discussions, participants will learn how access tools make participation in the arts more inclusive for all, as well as hone their aesthetic perspective, informed by diverse corporeal (bodily) experience. The highlight of the session? Students get a shot at designing their own access tools.

Participants can expect to leave the workshop with greater appreciation of the arts as well as greater awareness of diverse needs. Through the workshop, we hope to encourage an artistic practice and orientation that leans towards inclusion, where all can experience art without compromise.