for Mental Wellness

In moving company

Dance and movement therapy to support mental well being. Sessions are designed with an emphasis on fostering creativity and adaptability, developing greater cognitive flexibility, self-regulation and self-direction.

Evidence-based dance programmes have been shown to improve the functional health of participants and also lead to sustained improvement to psychosocial states. Studies have found that:

  • Dance is a complex intervention, which provides an appropriate challenge for service users in acute mental health settings while contributing to a sense of biopsychosocial integration. As such, it has much to offer contemporary occupational therapy.

  • Three months of dance classes were effective in reducing the depression status of second- and third-age dancers. Specifically, the biggest changes concerned a greater satisfaction and improvement in their lives, a greater interest in activities, less boredom, a good mood most of the time, greater happiness throughout the day, and the perception of a wonderful life.